夏威夷希罗州立大学关于121项目学生的有关规定Hilo 1+2+1 Student Handbook (English only)

Sino-American 1+2+1 Program
Student Rules and Regulations

The program coordinator is in charge of adding or dropping classes for the 1+2+1 students. Students are not allowed to add or drop classes by themselves.
Besides taking classes during Fall and Spring semesters, most students are required to take classes during the Summer sessions. Students may be required to stay in Hilo more than two years to complete their degree requirements.
Students are required to go to class on time. If an emergency or unexpected event causes a student to be absent from class, students are required to inform the class instructors.
Cheating on exams or homework and plagiarism (copying others work) while writing is expressly forbidden and may result in expulsion from the program.
Students must maintain a 2.0 cumulative GPA at all times.  Students falling below this requirement will be placed on probation followed by dismissal from the program if the GPA fails to improve.  Some programs, such as Business Administration may require higher GPAs.
The program coordinator will accompany students to the bookstore to purchase necessary textbooks during the first semester.  The fees for textbooks will be deducted from individual student account. This account is only for purchasing class-related textbooks. If students want to buy other books or stationary, students will have to purchase them with their own money.
Student Financial Account
The money students sent to the university has to be spent on designated items, including tuition, textbooks, other school fees, health insurance, housing fees, and the meal plan. If the account is short in funding, students will be notified by the university and will be required to wire more money to the university.
Academic Advisor
Students have an individual academic advisor. We encourage students to work actively and communicate frequently with their advisor. This will enable the advisor to better help students in solving problems in studying and college life.

Students are required to live on campus during the first school year. Students can choose to live off campus in the second school year.
Students are not allowed to purchase a car until their English proficiency reaches the university requirements and the program coordinator provides permission. Students can take a bus or a taxi to commute.
Free bus service (Hele-On Bus):
Shared ride taxi:  See handout
Health Insurance
Students must have active health insurance during the whole stay in the U.S. Our center will assist students in filling out the health insurance application form and purchasing insurance.
Visa and passport
All 1+2+1 students have a J visa. Students have to go to class on time and meet basic grade requirement in order to maintain their J-1 visa. For safety purposes, students’ passports are kept in a safe on campus. This prevents students from losing their passport or leaving the school without informing the program coordinator.
If students need to retrieve their passport, please give one-week courtesy notice to the program coordinator.
The Center for Global Education and Exchange will assist the students in opening a bank account.
Do not use debit card for on-line purchases. Be aware of email fraud and text message fraud.
Cell phones
We do not encourage students to open a contract-based cell phone program. Students can buy pre-paid cell phone. The following companies sell pre-paid cell phone and students can choose any of them: AT&T, Verizon, and T-Mobile. Our office will assist students in purchasing cell phones.

Identification Card
Due to the fact that students passport will be kept by the school, the center will arrange a time and take the 1+2+1 students to apply Hawaii State ID card.
Extracurricular Activities
Besides focusing on major study, we encourage students to participate school clubs and events to meet local students and improve their English.  Students can go to the following websites to look for extra information about extracurricular activities.
1. The Student Life Center provides different off-campus activities every weekend. Students have the opportunity to visit different scenic places around the island.
2. The Center for Global Education and Exchange also has excursions and social activities.  You will be notified of these events by e-mail.
3. There are many school clubs that you may participate in.  A listing of the clubs is on-line at
Students are not encouraged to work on campus during the first semester. Students can start to look for on campus job opportunities in the second semester, as long as the students have a 3.0 grade point average or higher and have completed ELI requirements. The students can work up to 20 hours per week during the semester and up to 40 hours per week during winter and summer break.
Students are obligated to follow all, county, state and federal laws during their stay in the United States.
The drinking age in the U.S. is 21 years old. The legal age to purchase cigarettes is 18 years old.